Do you experience hangovers? Then boy do we need to talk!
Last week, I sent an email to some of my followers giving them an insider tip on how to cure a hangover. Much to my delight, I received several responses from people who had tried it and had it work to ease their hangovers.
So, today I'm coming to you with some tips for curing a hangover.
Why do we get hangovers?
I’m sure most of you have experienced a hangover so bad that it makes you question why you even drank in the first place.
Well, if you have histamine intolerance, your hangovers can be even worse and come on even more easily than the average person.
Histamine reactions themselves can already be responsible for several symptoms that occur with hangovers such as headaches, stuffiness, fatigue and anxiety.
So, when you're adding alcohol into your system on top of a histamine intolerance, the reaction can be a double whammy.
I am aware that a lot of individuals with histamine intolerance cannot tolerate drinking at all, but for those that choose to still drink alcohol on occasion, or for those that aim for low histamine wines and alcohol, this post is to ease the symptoms and hangover that could be around the corner.
What causes hangovers?
Interestingly, alcohol in its own form is not actually toxic to our bodies, nor does it cause hangovers. The actual cause of a hangover is a toxic compound called acetaldehyde, which alcohol is converted into during detoxification.
Let me explain:
There are two phases of detoxification. The first phase converts alcohol into the intermediary metabolite, acetaldehyde. The second phase tags this metabolite so that it can be excreted from the body as a water soluble molecule, acetic acid.
Unfortunately, this second phase is slower than the first, and acetaldehyde actually gets backed up in a line-up, waiting to be excreted from our bodies. When we wake up, this build-up is what causes us to feel like garbage.
Add this to histamine intolerance symptoms that can cause the typical hangover symptoms to feel completely amplified, and you're not in for any kind of treat the next day.
The key to preventing hangovers
During my studies, I had a Newton moment during a Master’s lecture discussing detoxification processes. My hand shot up in the air and I asked “So can’t we just speed up phase II detox in order to prevent hangovers!?” As you can imagine, my nutrition lecturer was not impressed with this question, however reluctantly admitted “Theoretically, yes.”
Later that week, I conducted a highly [un-]scientific experiment. I drank alcohol and end of the night consumed specific food supplements known for promoting phase II detoxification. To my surprise and delight, my symptoms were eased and I felt like I had discovered the 8th wonder of the world.
Ingredients for preventing a hangover
Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering how you can implement this strategy in your own home to ease your own hangovers.
First off, I certainly encourage you to limit alcohol intake if you have histamine intolerance - and, if you are going to consume alcohol, aim for low histamine alcohol types so that we can at least limit histamine symptoms here.
Now, when it comes to the alcohol itself, like I said, the key lies in speeding up the processes of phase II detoxification.
There are a few compounds known to do this, but one of the most effective and readily available ones is turmeric1,2,3,4 .
The active compound in turmeric, called curcumin, is able speed up excretion of toxic metabolites from your body, and at the same time is nearly identical in its molecular structure to aspirin, making it doubly effective at removing both the cause and symptoms of a hangover.
Not only can consuming turmeric or, preferably, curcumin, speed up your phase II detoxificaiton but it can also act as an all-natural painkiller in order to ease any aches and pains such as the dreaded hangover headache.
Lastly, curcumin is able to reduce inflammation - so, if there is a histamine flare-up, curcumin can act to modulate the immune system to ease this flare-up.
3 tips to ease a hangover at home
In order to implement this hangover-be-gone routine, there are a few very specific instructions that you must adhere to.
1) First off, curcumin has very poor bioavailability. This means that after ingesting turmeric, it’s very difficult for the active compound to be used in your body. In order to really experience results, you must increase the bioavailability of the active compound, thus allowing it to go to work in your body. Luckily, this can also be done with some common household items – black pepper and a fat source.
For best results, mix one teaspoon of finely chopped or minced turmeric with butter or coconut oil, and top with black pepper. At the end of your wild night out, pop it in your mouth, chew it up, and (try to) enjoy.
If however you have a strong gag reflex or the thought of taking down a spoon of this concoction doesn’t appeal to you, life can be made a lot simpler and more effective by taking these in capsule form.
Be wary however, as concentrated curcumin capsules have the same bioavailability problem, so purchasing a curcumin phytosome capsule that has fat incorporated into it is essential for increasing efficacy.
My recommendation for a hangover-be-gone supplement schedule is the following:
- 1000-1500mg curcumin phytosome capsule taken at the end of your night, OR 1 heaped tsp turmeric mixed with 1tsp butter/coconut oil and black pepper
This entire process can be repeated the next day if there are any lingering hangover symptoms.
2) The second simple tip is to drink plenty of water throughout the night. This means the night of going out especially, not just the morning after.
Having one full glass of water per drink will make you feel miles better in the morning. The reason for this is that alcohol is incredibly dehydrating which in itself can cause lots of unwanted symptoms such as fatigue and headaches.
Many people forget to drink water throughout the night, and find themselves reaching for it in the morning. However, by this point, it is too late. We are aiming to prevent the hangover here, not just ease it once it's begun!
3) As mentioned already above, if you have histamine intolerance, focusing on lower histamine alcohols such as low histamine wines can significantly improve the way you feel the next morning.
Histamine symptoms can greatly amplify hangover symptoms, and can combine to make you feel incredibly poorly. So, why. not choose a low histamine option in the first place to get rid of one of the problematic ingredients in the first place?
Even by just adding one of these steps, you're already going to see a noticeable improvement. And, since the combination is really quite easy, there's no reason you can't do all 3 - even on the wildest of evenings!
As you can see, by simply using some common household ingredients or taking a curcumin phytosome supplement, drinking extra water throughout the night, all combined with drinking low histamine alcohol, I promise you're going to feel miles better than usual!
I hope this helps!
Anita Tee, Nutritional Scientist
1. Dinkova-Kostova A. Relation of structure of curcumin analogs to their potencies as inducers of Phase 2 detoxification enzymes. Carcinogenesis. 1999;20(5):911-914.
2. Percival M. Phytonutrients & Detoxification. Clinical Nutrition Insights. 1997;5(2):1-4.
3. Iqbal M, Sharma S, Okazaki Y, Fujisawa M, Okada S. Dietary Supplementation of Curcumin Enhances Antioxidant and Phase II Metabolizing Enzymes in ddY Male Mice: Possible Role in Protection against Chemical Carcinogenesis and Toxicity. Pharmacol Toxicol. 2003;92(1):33-38.
4. Piper J. Mechanisms of anticarcinogenic properties of curcumin: the effect of curcumin on glutathione linked detoxification enzymes in rat liver. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 1998;30(4):445-456.
5. Avidan OPick U. Acetyl-CoA synthetase is activated as part of the PDH-bypass in the oleaginous green algaChlorella desiccata. EXBOTJ. 2015;66(22):7287-7298.
6. Nick G. Addressing human exposure to environmental toxins with Chlorella pyrenoidosa. (Medicinal Properties in Whole Foods). Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 2003;28.

Anita Tee
My name is Anita Tee. I'm a nutritional scientist who specializes in histamine intolerance. I hold a Master of Science in Personalized Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Psychology.For the past ten years, I have used my experience in nutritional and medical health sciences to create a scientifically backed, natural approach to healthcare that relies 100% on evidence-based research.As I previously suffered from - and overcame - histamine intolerance, my focus is to increase recognition and expand the available resources and protocols available for resolving this particular disorder. To date, I have helped over 4,000 individuals fully resolve or better manage their histamine intolerance symptoms.