low histamine pudding recipe

Low Histamine Cauliflower Rice Pudding Recipe

Who doesn't love a good low histamine dessert - especially when that means PUDDING!

But along with the word dessert, usually come a lot of questions regarding health and nutrition: Should I be eating this? Am I even hungry? Is it going to make me feel poorly?

And, when you’re living with histamine intolerance, that last one is of particular importance. You know you shouldn’t eat sugary foods because it can severely affect how you feel, and refined flour isn't doing you any favours - so, you’re probably wondering how we can sneak pudding into a low histamine diet, and make it really healthy at the same time!

Well - brace yourselves for this part, because I'm about to shock you........ the main ingredient is cauliflower! WAIT… don’t leave.

I get it - it seems weird. But, I promise, you’ll be as mind-blown as I am about this vegetable being used in pudding.

Cauliflower is really an amazing ingredient. It's a low histamine vegetable, is often used as a substitute for rice in those who need to follow a lower carb diet, and best of all, it's nutritious and very healthy.

Speaking of, let me explain why I've strategically chosen each ingredient in this recipe. They all have their role to play when it comes to boosting your health and helping you on the road to a stronger body! And of course, all of them are completely acceptable on a low histamine diet. 

Low Histamine Cauliflower Pudding Recipe: Nutrition Info

is a really versatile vegetable. No longer is it simply considered by the general public as a fluffy, white, slightly smelly side dish that goes best smothered in cheese sauce. Now, it’s used in many low-cal, healthy alternatives to everyday junk food like pizza, mac 'n cheese, and plain rice.

Cauliflower has a great nutrient profile, is high in fibre and a good source of antioxidants (1), which can help to ease inflammation, such as those you may experienced during a histamine flare-up. Cauliflower is also a great substitute for grains and legumes in the diet, which are also on the avoid list for my low histamine diet. Avoiding grains and legumes is not necessarily because they're all high in histamine themselves, but for a variety of reasons like their contribution to inflammation, promoting histamine release within the body or simply being common gut irritants for many people who eat them.

Now, we know it is a pretty pungent vegetable, so how do I make sure it’s not going to overpower the sweetness you want from a pudding? Well, you add things like coconut milk, raw honey and low histamine spices, of course.

Coconut milk offers a great way to thicken the dish into a rice-pudding consistency. The canned variety also contains coconut cream, which is high in good quality fats called medium chain triglycerides, and adds a delicious flavour. It is high in calories, so use it sparingly in dishes such as these if you're watching your weight.

Spices are tricky on a low histamine diet. And it’s unfortunate that cinnamon, the one spice you'd generally associate with rice pudding, is on the avoid list when you have histamine intolerance. There are however, other spices you can use. The most appropriate low histamine spices to use in this recipe are a combination of cardamom (2) and a touch of ground coriander, which bring about a great, complementary kick of flavour to combine with the coconut milk and cauliflower.

The last two ingredients are often questioned on a low histamine diet: pure, raw honey and fully cooked eggs.

In general, I find it’s the commercially prepared varieties of honey that irritate sensitive individuals, with all of their chemical and sub-par ingredients. On the other hand raw, organic honey is not only tolerated but even beneficial. Honey has so many antibacterial ingredients and a strong nutrient profile.

But, be warned - that's no excuse to begin chugging down honey right out of the jar. Although it may be natural, honey is still extremely high in sugar - and, I cannot stress this enough: natural sugar is still sugar! Too much sugar, even sugar that is not a histamine trigger as such, will still trigger inflammation (3). 

If you're not a honey fan at all, you can also sub it out for maple syrup, which we know is low histamine from my Low Histamine Maple Oat Cookie Recipe!

Now, to get to the eggs - it's important to note that most individuals on a low histamine diet are able to tolerate fully cooked eggs quite well! It’s raw egg - specifically, raw egg whites - that are a serious histamine liberator. Incorporating eggs into your diet can be really beneficial. They contain a whole whack of nutritious compounds such as choline, which helps to support memory, regulate gene expression and prevent cellular ageing (4)! And whipped up into this recipe, you're sure to be eating them fully cooked, and getting all of those healthy nutrients they offer. 

Want more interesting insights into what you should and shouldn't be eating on a low histamine diet? Click below to get my comprehensive low histamine diet, which eliminates harm-causing foods and incorporates healing foods beyond just considering histamine levels alone!


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Low Histamine Cauliflower Rice Pudding Recipe

Makes 2 servings
Calories: 346 (Carbohydrate: 17.3g; Protein: 11.4g; Fat:26.2g)

  • 3 cups riced cauliflower (cooked)
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • ½ tsp coriander
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey or maple syrup 
  • 2 large eggs, whisked 


  1. Combine 1½ cups of the cooked riced cauliflower with the coconut milk in a saucepan and turn to medium heat until just bubbling.
  2. Add the spices, raw honey and whisked egg, and bring to a simmer for about 4-5 minutes.
  3. Slowly add the remaining 1½ cups of cooked riced cauliflower, stirring it in until you get desired consistency. More riced cauliflower will give a thicker consistency, less will be a thinner variety.
  4. Turn the heat down to low, and, stirring constantly, allow the pudding to thicken fully, which takes another 4-5 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat, and allow to cook, covered, for another 3 minutes.
  6. This recipe is best served cool, refrigerated overnight and served with a dusting of spices. It can be enjoyed warm if you simply can’t wait!

Want more low histamine dessert recipes? Check out my book "Heal with Sweets" for 60 nutritionist-approved dessert recipes.

Get the Cookbook!



  1. National Library of Medicine. Medline Plus. Health Topics. Antioxidants. 2024. 
  2. Anwar, F., et al. Chapter 33 - Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) Oils, Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety, Academic Press, 2016, Pages 295-301.
  3. Xiao, X., et al. Excessive intake of sugar: An accomplice of inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology. Volume 13. 2022.
  4. Zeisel, S. H. (2000). Choline: Needed for Normal Development of Memory. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 19(sup5), 528S-531S. 

    Author Photo

    Anita Tee

    My name is Anita Tee. I'm a nutritional scientist who specializes in histamine intolerance. I hold a Master of Science in Personalized Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Psychology.

    For the past ten years, I have used my experience in nutritional and medical health sciences to create a scientifically backed, natural approach to healthcare that relies 100% on evidence-based research.

    As I previously suffered from - and overcame - histamine intolerance, my focus is to increase recognition and expand the available resources and protocols available for resolving this particular disorder. To date, I have helped over 4,000 individuals fully resolve or better manage their histamine intolerance symptoms.

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